On the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and Infimal Convolution in the Framework of Sobolev-functions General decay of the solution for a viscoelastic wave equation with a time-varying delay term in...
Remarks on the paper Skew Pieri rules for Hall-Littlewood functions by Konvalinka and Lauve The least eigenvalues of signless Laplacian of non-bipartite graphs with pendant vertices
MEAN ERGODIC THEOREMS IN HILBERT-KAPLANSKY SPACES Classification of affine matrix means Localized bandlimited nearly tight frames and Besov spaces on domains
Obstructions to nonpositive curvature for open manifolds On the minimum order of a quadrangulation on a given closed 2-manifold The Concordance Genus of 11--Crossing Knots
On coincidence of classes of functions defined by a generalised modulus of smoothness and the appropriate inverse theorem Legendre-type integrands and convex integral functions ON THE E...
A Survey of Some Results for Mixed Multiplicities The algebraic method in experimental design Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and the discreteness of $F$-jumping coefficients in grade...
Dupont-Guichardet-Wigner quasi-homomorphisms on mapping class groups The Goldman bracket determines intersection numbers for surfaces and orbifolds Proof of a Conjectured Formula for th...
On the Control of Non Holonomic Systems by Active Constraints Guaranteeing Spatial Uniformity in Diffusively-Coupled Systems Exponential estimates of slow manifolds
Integral and Series Representations of Riemann´s Zeta function, Dirichelet´s Eta Function and a Medley of Related Results On the number of real roots of the Yablonskii-Vorob´ev polynomials
Cosmetic surgeries and non-orientable surfaces The universal character ring of two-generator one-relator groups whose relators are palindrome Alexandroff Manifolds and Homogeneous Contin...
Harmonic analysis, Ergodic theory and Counting for thin groups Matrix coefficients and Effective counting for geometrically finite groups Nonexpansive Z2 subdynamics and Nivat´s conjecture
Counting Spanning Trees of Threshold Graphs The Gerby Gopakumar-Mariño-Vafa Formula The Super Catalan Numbers S(m, m + s) for s 4 Poset-free Families and Lubell-bounde...